
We are faced with systemic issues, lack of innovative approaches and the ability to apply them, lack of access to quality knowledge and interchange thereof. We need to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Education is power as a collective we need to act and connect!


Nature System

Today 258 million children – 1 out of every 5 – will not be allowed to go to school. Vulnerable young people are often excluded from educational systems. We need inclusive policies to ensure access to education for our poorest youth in cities and remote areas, youth affected with HIV, refugee youth and migrant youth.

Access to education is not equally distributed among our youth. Disparities in secondary school attendance by ethnic group, wealth and educational level have increased since the 1990s in developing countries.

  • For every 100 boys of primary school age who are out of school, 121 girls are denied the right to education.
  • 11% of the world’s youth (15-24 years old) are non-literate.

Natural disasters greatly affect the education sector by destroying key infrastructures, disrupting the education cycles and forcing children to drop out of school for extended periods of time. At the same time, education is a powerful tool to build societies' resilience. Commitments made at the international level, including the World Programme of Action for Youth, the Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All Goals, identify education as a key priority area for action.


Nature System

Formal and informal education is critical to promote sustainable development and improve the capacity to address environmental and development issues by creating ecological and decent jobs. We promote the coexistence and exchange of culturally diverse practices and the consumption of culturally diverse services and products.

Indigenous people often are agents of environmental conservation and not just victims of the effects. In fact since 2008, representatives of indigenous peoples have been actively seeking a role in contributing to combating climate change through activism and political engagement at local and national levels. We recognize the potential for their decision-making power at a local and global level that may contribute to saving the planet.

We need informed policymakers to improve decision-making in the interests of all citizens, all cultures and the environment. By 2030, we need to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills required to promote sustainable development. This requires an education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity.


Nature System

Educational partnerships contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development by mobilizing resources, sharing knowledge, promoting the creation and transfer of environmentally sound technologies, and building capacity. We need to create the conditions which allow access to knowledge and innovation that promote the solutions we need.

The collective challenges we face with the climate crisis and equity issues require innovation that promote systemic change across all sectors. Growing cooperation among multilateral organizations, donors and the private sector is needed to provide developing countries and beneficiaries with technologies that increase efficiency, the use of natural resources, treat the generated pollution and mitigate climate change.

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